Threat and Risk Assessment Tool

When it comes to preparedness, most of us are guilty of focusing on the fun stuff when there are less glamorous but equally important threats and risks to prepare for. The purpose of this tool is to help you understand the scenarios you should prioritize preparing for (If you haven't already) based on your unique criteria. It should only take a few minutes to fill out the first tab.

I have left my answers in the input fields for examples, but you should enter your own. You will have unique criteria based on your geographic location, the terrain and infrastructure surrounding your home, your community, your level of preparedness, etc. 

The second tab requires more time to fill out, but may help you realize specific issues you have overlooked that would arise as a result of a disaster or threat.

Once you've filled this out, you might consider building out a Family Preparedness Plan.


NOTE: You will need to either save this file to your own Google Drive by selecting File > Make a copy  or download it to your device by selecting File > Download and selecting your desired file type. (.XLSX Recommended)


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